Gonggoji 궁곶이
? meters
approximately 2km loop
One of the “8 scenic views of Geoje”, be sure to visit Gonggoji in March when the daffodils are in bloom!
Although it’s more of a family outing kind of place than a “proper” hike, you’ll still be working hard climbing up and then down and back again.
If you have your own transportation, you’ll likely be parking in the large parking lot along the water front and walking up the narrow roadway to the start of the trail. When you first arrive, take the roadway turning left. If you choose to do the full loop, you’ll later return on the right.
Hang a left here.
You’ll have a steep climb up the roadway, passing a cafe/pension before reaching the start of the trail. Once on the trail, you’ll go down lots of stairs and through a camellia tunnel before reaching a junction with a small trail cafe with some picnic tables outside. On your way back, take the trail to the right of the cafe if you’d like to complete the loop rather than retracing your steps. In the meantime, continue to the left to reach the fields of daffodils.
Turn left here.
It will be just a few more steps before you arrive at the famous fields of daffodils. Here, there is a table where you can buy a small bouquet of daffodils for 1000won (as well as some other flowers and vegetables), so make sure you bring some cash. It’s sometimes left unattended, but there is a wooden box for you to put your money in.
After enjoying the field of yellow, keep going and you will emerge on the coast with Naedo Island directly across from you.
From here you can walk along the coast to the right to meet up with the trail that loops back, or head back towards the cafe junction to see the daffodils once more.
Taking the stairs up into the woods you’ll follow the trail back to Yegu Village. There is just one point of interest along this trail: a 5o meter offshoot leading to a wooden platform above the ocean.
Since this is such a short hike, once you return to the village, you can take some time to enjoy the area to fill out your day.